Tuesday, June 21, 2011

To Tie or to Bow Tie: That is the Question

I know that most of you typically shun the bow tie experience and until recently I felt the same way. However, after having been forced to put on a bow tie, which my colleagues shoe horned me into, I actually grew to love it and have added it to the wardrobe portfolio of accessories. So, here is my story.

We were recently shooting the new commercial for the Village Tea: More Flavor Less Etiquette campaign and the question of wardrobe came up. In my usual stance against all unnecessary formalities, I wanted to showcase a relaxed image and selfishly suggested my everyday jeans and nice button up. Apparently my suggestion was not well received due to the silence that lingered for an unusually long time. I could hear someone in the back mumble "awkwarrrrd".

My reasoning against dressing up in general is that since I was 22 I have been in a suit and tie or some sort of formal wear within a professional environment. Now, at 34 and in the middle of my own venture, if I wanted to wear flip flops and surfer shorts with a t-shirt to work I feel that I've earned it. I firmly believe that what you wear speaks volumes as to your personal style but ultimately its not what you wear that determines if we'll do business together but rather your attitude.

Needless to say, after much kicking and screaming the tie was on, the suit and cuff linked shirt was on, the dress shoes were on, and while I was being encouraged like a 3 year old that I looked great and didn't look silly it wasn't until I saw the final images that I turned the corner. I am not above admitting when I was wrong so I admitted it via email and quickly turned on my spam filter and added my team's email addresses to the filter for a few days.

Disclaimer: tieing a tie is an art and requires some sort of delicacy which I don't have mastered just quite yet. The image above took us about 30 minutes to create because no one knew how to tie a bow tie and we quickly jumped to youtube to figure it out. Which brings me to another topic: what did we do before tutorials on youtube?

- Posted by Martin using BlogPress from my iPad2 Sitting in my Hotel Room in Los Angeles at 7:30am PST Working

Location:W 96th St,Los Angeles,United States

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